Friday, May 3, 2013

Simple Summer Updates

I needed some things to cheer me up. I needed to make a few updates. Several weeks back, I attempted to rearrange the living room to accomplish this - alas, every other arrangement I tried looked terrible. In the end, I moved all the furniture back to its original homes. Ugh!  (At least I got some exercise! ha)

I was discussing my frustrations with my mom. She suggested moving little decorations around to change things up. And so, I added some Easter decor to my home. 

However, as of this morning, the eggs were still on the front door. It was time for a change again. And, might I add, I think I should have people over every weekend. In preparation for a little get-together that I am having, I am definitely more motivated to vacuum and clean mirrors. And Hudson has been playing more on his own, allowing me to get more accomplished. 

All that said, I started this morning off by changing the wreath on the front door. Back to my favorite wreath...Good old "Sham-Wow." (Read about it's creation here.)

We have this handy little closet under the steps to our basement. 

My husband hung a few nails for me, and it is now the perfect hang-out for my seasonal wreaths. 

Next, I moved to the chalk board in the kitchen. It has really been empty since Thanksgiving - From the unexpectedly early arrival of our son, somehow this fun little spot got overlooked. (See the transformation from a thrift store frame to chalkboard here). Last week, I wrote my to-do list on the board. And since I crossed the last thing off my list last night, I decided it would make a great place for a little encouragement. 

After searching Pinterest, I found a fun little design that I copied. 

I have finally discovered the secret to erasing my chalkboard and making the chalk lines look bold and fabulous. I use a simple micro-fiber dust cloth for erasing. 

And I dip my chalk in water just before I write on the board. 

At first, the lines drawn will look faint (see the last "s"). 

But once it dries, you are left with bold perfection. Hanging the chalkboard in the kitchen, I can glance at the message as I monitor Hudson playing and load the dishwasher for the ump-teenth time. 

Next, I started collecting my Easter eggs that were scattered about the house. (See how I made the book page eggs here). 

And, since my house hasn't been this clean and clutter free in a while, I will show you a "new" addition to the corner of the living room. Two years ago, when we moved into this house, I commandeered this fabulous mustard colored library cart. It has served many purposes since then. From garage storage to helping me transport blocks of wood for our nativity project. Finally, it has found a resting place in our living room. So far, there's not a book on it! ha. But that will change soon. 

I just love seeing all those little colorful marks make from books hitting the back of the shelf. 

Hudson has been playing nicely on his play mat, allowing me to get a lot accomplished this morning. 

But now, he is begging for my I'm off to help him practice grabbing toys and work on that neck control! 

What simple changes are you making around your home to boost your morale?  

Sometimes if I can just clean or organize one small area of my life, I feel like I've been on a mini-vacation. Am I the only one that gets a thrill out of seeing vacuum lines in my carpet? 

1 comment:

  1. Love the library cart!!!!!! And I see you have our photos in your frames ;-)
