Monday, November 10, 2014

God's Love in a Book Page Wreath

Today, at MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) we made book page leaf wreaths.

Using a ring of cardboard and some leaves cut from old, discarded books the girls each went home with a fun creation.

As I cleaned up the leftover supplies, one of the moms approached me. She said that she had to tell me how God had shown her His love through this craft time. She had been wanting a wreath for her home, but after looking at their budget decided that she just didn't have the funds to purchase supplies at this time.

She was so shocked to see the craft today when she arrived at MOPS. She said, "God's love is so amazing that He cares enough to give us even our little wants that we don't even mention." She hadn't told anyone of her wanting a wreath. But God knew...

It gave me chills to know that God had granted the desires of this mom's heart through our simple craft time today.

I know that it was all God's doing because this craft wasn't even on my original planned list. I had seen a version of it online and decided that we could implement this wreath for almost no cost.

It's easy for me to think that our craft time is just a time filler, but God reminded me this morning that He can be at work even in a few old book pages and a piece of cardboard.

If you are wanting to try one of these simple wreaths for your home, here's what we did.

I had already cut the "leaf" shapes for the ladies, using our church's die cut machine. Most schools have these - I would recommend finding one to use to make this craft even simpler. If you don't have access to one, you could always trace and cut your leaves. You will need a little over 50.

Using a couple different sized dinner plates, I cut a cardboard ring for the wreath base. Don't worry if the edges are jagged - it will be hidden.

Then, follow these steps.

I am anxious to see where the girls choose to hang their wreath.

You could use book pages, like we did for the leaves. Or old Christmas cards, leftover wedding invitations, wrapping paper, your kids coloring sheets (grandparents would love that!)...the list goes on and on.

Now, when I see this wreath hanging in my home, it will remind me of God's love for us and how He can use a simple craft to show that He cares. 

1 comment:

  1. Super cute! Way to listen to God's leading.

    And I love your pics!
