Yesterday, like many days, I felt that I was failing at all areas of a housekeeper, as a mom, as a wife, as a grocery shopper, as a small business owner...Our pastor spoke Sunday about Martha's heart condition and busyness being her downfall. I've pondered over the importance of having margin in my life so that I have room (and time) to say "yes" when the Lord prompts.
Interestingly enough, I started a new Bible study today...the topic is prayer...and I must admit, this is another area where I am a failure. I'm not very good, or very consistent with my prayer life. I know how powerful prayer is. I know how vital it is. But somehow, it seems to always end up on the bottom of my priority list. I was excited about a new study...but also nervous - not wanting to admit my past forgetfulness in this area. Not wanting to admit that I needed a little help.

But I was reminded of the story of Susanna Wesley - a mother of nineteen children in the 17th century. I can only imagine her to-do list each day. Historians tell us that she was known for putting her apron over her head to signal to her children that she had entered her prayer time. "Susanna Wesley knew that she couldn't make it through the day without recognizing her weakness and her need for God's strength. She communed with Him in the mess and the chaos. She knew that it was better to meet with the Lord under an apron than not to meet with Him at all." (Well Watered Women, BREATHE - 40 Days of Prayer)
That first chapter in the book of Psalms talks of the importance of delighting in God's Word, meditating on it day and night, and choosing the right people to influence us. I do want to bear fruit. I do want to be on the "path of the godly." And I do need to admit the importance of stopping to meditate on God's Word and commune with Him. It doesn't matter how busy my day is. It doesn't matter what the world tells me is most important. It doesn't matter if I feel like a failure. I must remember that time with Him is vital to "prosper" (vs. 3).
As I read those familiar words, I also thought of the godly influencers in my life. I thought of a 5th grade Sunday School teacher who motivated me to memorize this first chapter in Psalms. Team mates on Encounter who lived out their love for Jesus and taught me to love Bible study. Mentors and professors in college. Friends. People I've served with at church. And even some people that I've never met but their written words resonate well with me, leaving me yearning for more of Jesus.
The right influencers. The right priorities. The right Book (the Word). The right perspective of prayer. The right margins in my life. This is how to succeed in God's eyes.
And, I've decided I may need to start wearing an apron, or at least hanging one in my remind me of Susanna Wesley and her realization that she could "commune with Him in the mess and the chaos.
Interestingly enough, I started a new Bible study today...the topic is prayer...and I must admit, this is another area where I am a failure. I'm not very good, or very consistent with my prayer life. I know how powerful prayer is. I know how vital it is. But somehow, it seems to always end up on the bottom of my priority list. I was excited about a new study...but also nervous - not wanting to admit my past forgetfulness in this area. Not wanting to admit that I needed a little help.
Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers.
But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.
They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.
But not the wicked! They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind.
They will be condemned at the time of judgment.
Sinners will have no place among the godly.
For the Lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction.
That first chapter in the book of Psalms talks of the importance of delighting in God's Word, meditating on it day and night, and choosing the right people to influence us. I do want to bear fruit. I do want to be on the "path of the godly." And I do need to admit the importance of stopping to meditate on God's Word and commune with Him. It doesn't matter how busy my day is. It doesn't matter what the world tells me is most important. It doesn't matter if I feel like a failure. I must remember that time with Him is vital to "prosper" (vs. 3).
As I read those familiar words, I also thought of the godly influencers in my life. I thought of a 5th grade Sunday School teacher who motivated me to memorize this first chapter in Psalms. Team mates on Encounter who lived out their love for Jesus and taught me to love Bible study. Mentors and professors in college. Friends. People I've served with at church. And even some people that I've never met but their written words resonate well with me, leaving me yearning for more of Jesus.
The right influencers. The right priorities. The right Book (the Word). The right perspective of prayer. The right margins in my life. This is how to succeed in God's eyes.
And, I've decided I may need to start wearing an apron, or at least hanging one in my remind me of Susanna Wesley and her realization that she could "commune with Him in the mess and the chaos.
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