Thursday, March 12, 2015

Our Story

I met him in January 2005. It was my first day on campus and he was student body president. He was taking the incoming students on a little sight-seeing activity downtown. And I was trying to figure out if this college was the right place for me. I was older than the other freshman and felt out of place. I remember talking to him on the van ride downtown. He says he tried to talk to me later that week but I just said "Hey" and kept walking.

We ended up in the same group of friends. We ate meals together. We made WalMart runs together.

Since our parents just lived 2 hours apart, I started riding home with him for breaks. It was during those 6 hour car rides that I kind of started to like this guy. We would talk and laugh, making the ride seem shorter than it was.

We really became best friends. I had always prayed that I would be best friends with the guy I would marry. BUT, I wanted to be friends with him first...before I was romantically involved.

After he graduated, he ran activities on campus and I became an RA. We ended up facilitating lots of events together.

 I remember trying to figure out if he liked having me around or if he just liked the fact that I could organize an event. This question came up in a conversation one evening. I remember him saying, "After Judgment Day (a big event on campus that he was running), I will take you out to prove that you mean more to me than just helping with events."

For the next week I couldn't figure out if this was a date or just another time we were hanging out together. Neither of us told anyone in our group of friends about this upcoming meal off campus. He pulled up to the dorm, I got in his green sports car and off we went. We ate our meal. We talked like we always did. He paid. But I still hadn't decided what he intended this outing to be. We drove around Chattanooga. I think we even ran to Walmart to pick up supplies for a campus activity. And then he started talking...he talked about our friendship...and he kept talking, but I still didn't have my answer. When he asked if I understood what he was trying to say, I replied, "You really haven't said anything yet." And then...he said "Cindy, I like you."

We dated. We got to know each others families. He proposed. I said yes.

 March 13, 2010, I married my best friend. God answered my prayers. We had built this awesome foundation as friends. We knew each other so well before the dating began. It's our story and I wouldn't want it any other way. 

Since road trips contributed to our falling love, we decided that a trip to New York City would be a great way to celebrate our five year anniversary.

We had been to NYC before while chaperoning a high school senior trip.

And since we spent a lot of that trip counting heads, I asked Jeremiah if he would bring me back some day...just the two of us. And he did.

It took 24 hours to detox from "mommy mode." I slept all night long. No one was crying for their breakfast when I woke up. I didn't change any diapers. And I didn't have to keep reaching into the backseat as we drove.

We just talked. And laughed. And I remembered why I fell for this guy in the first place.

We did all the touristy things. Empire State Building.

The Intrepid.

Got re-named by Starbucks.

Lunch at Chelsea Market. Walked a lot. Rode the Subway. Ate all the touristy foods. Rode the Statton Island Ferry by the Statue of Liberty.

The World Trade Center and Memorial.

I love adventures with this guy. I am so thankful that the Lord gave me what I prayed for. (You can read my "list" here.)  I am glad that God was in control of this friendship from day one. And five years and two kids later, I am still so glad that I married this guy! He changes diapers, makes me smile and even saved my life. The Lord has been so good to us.

May the adventures continue. I love you, Jeremiah.


  1. I loved reading your story! Happy 5 years :)

  2. Glad you had a great trip and didn't have to wake up to any crying or yelling of Cindy! Happy Anniversary a day early. What a Godly example of a couple!
