Hands down, the best book I've ever read on the Biblical view of Hospitality. As I read The Simplest Way to Change the World, I found myself making a mental checklist of the things I wanted to change about the way I view my home. It's so easy to want it to be a retreat from the world and those outside your immediate family - but God's plan all along has involved hospitality. It started with His making Adam and Eve the perfect home in the Garden of Eden, and it will one day end with His perfect home for His children in Heaven.
"We loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but OUR LIVES AS WELL." 1 Thess. 2:8
This book is easy to read and full of practical, doable tips for embracing the ministry of hospitality. It's not just a beautifully set table or a perfect home - it's inviting others into our lives so that they might see the Gospel lived out.
This book also contains study questions for small group discussion.
I received this book from Moody in exchange for an honest review.

"We loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but OUR LIVES AS WELL." 1 Thess. 2:8
This book is easy to read and full of practical, doable tips for embracing the ministry of hospitality. It's not just a beautifully set table or a perfect home - it's inviting others into our lives so that they might see the Gospel lived out.
This book also contains study questions for small group discussion.
I received this book from Moody in exchange for an honest review.
I received the most adorable prayer and reflection coloring journal today: Tranquility. The colorful cover really resonated with my creative soul. Filled with fun coloring opportunities, Scripture, bits of encouragement and journal spots, this book is one that I play to work my way through on days when I need a little more "cheer" in my life.
I received this book from Tyndale in exchange for an honest review.

I have always loved the testimony and mission of Billy Graham. I was equally excited to receive Hope for Each Day, 365 Devotions for Kids filled with his writings. There is a Scripture for each day and a short devotional that corresponds with the the theme and Scripture of the adult version of this book. What a perfect pairing for family devotions!
I received this book from Book Look Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.

I love the writings of Jill Savage, and I am happy to add No More Perfect Marriages to my book collection. Written with her husband Mark, this book helps couples "experience the freedom of being real together." There are "Think about it" and "Talk about it" questions at the end of each chapter, promoting more communication between spouses. It's a great marriage resource.
I received this book from Moody in exchange for an honest review.

Balancing theological topics with interesting stories and examples, Lighthouse Faith was an interesting read. Living her life as a news correspondent has given her a different way of weaving her stories into a text that points you back to the Word. When understand who God is, and are able to follow that first commandment correctly, the rest of the commandments will fall into place. Everything hinges on that!
I received this book from Cross Focus Reviews in exchange for an honest review.

Nothing to Prove by Jenny Allen was such an encouraging read - It challenged me do quite a bit of self-examination on why I do what I do. What do I feel insecure about? What do I feel I am failing at? And why do I feel that way? It was easy to read and filled with words that reminded me what God can do with someone who is completely in love with Him.
I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.

How to Overcome Worry is a small sized, non-intimidating book that would be the perfect item to tuck in an encouraging gift basket. Scripture and encouraging truths are sprinkled throughout the text, turning the worrier back to the One that in truly in control. I love that the back cover even states that scripture is the cure for this worry epidemic.
I received this advanced reader copy from Moody in exchange for an honest review.

I loved the Berenstain Bears books as a child. I love passing the stories of these characters on to my children. I also love that the Mike Berenstain Bear books seem to have more of a Christian viewpoint on stories. This Friendship Blessings Collections is 5 stories one one adorable hardback book.
Perfect Fishing Spot, Reap the Harvest, Faithful Friends, Kindness Counts and God Made You Special.
My kids love the books and I do too!
I received this book from Book Look Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Although I am not an artist, I do love creative projects. Looking through Portrait Revolution educated me on many different styles of art and portraits. I especially loved the portraits made out of random objects. It's fascinating how some artists can put so much emotion into a painting or drawing.
I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.
I received this book from Tyndale in exchange for an honest review.
I received this book from Book Look Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.
I received this book from Moody in exchange for an honest review.
I received this book from Cross Focus Reviews in exchange for an honest review.
I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.
I received this advanced reader copy from Moody in exchange for an honest review.
Perfect Fishing Spot, Reap the Harvest, Faithful Friends, Kindness Counts and God Made You Special.
My kids love the books and I do too!
I received this book from Book Look Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.
I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.
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