Last night, the girls in my small group had a baby shower/girl's night/craft night/potluck. Since our husbands were nice enough to keep the kids for the evening, we decided to cram as many activities in one night as possible.
I've said it before...and I will say it again...I love these families. I love that we do life together. We support each other in so many ways. Whether it's a baby shower, bringing meals, offering a hug or praying for each other's needs or hurts.
We had a great group last night...but we also missed those who weren't able to attend.
We all contributed to the taco supper and enjoyed yummy desserts.
We then showered the two expecting moms with diapers and baby gifts.
After praying over these two sweet ladies, their babies, and some other needs in our group, we dug into our craft time.
I remember Scripture being on the walls in my home while I was growing up. And that cross-stitch of the Proverb about making sure my words were "sweet like honey comb" convicted me many times. I wanted to incorporate Scripture into my own home as well.
In Jewish homes, you will find a Mezuzah (little box like item with a scrolled rolled up inside) on their doorposts. It serves as a reminder of God's law and presence and is a symbol of their Jewish identity.
Their scroll contains Deuteronomy 6:4-6,9. I was challenged by the entire passage (verse 4-9). And I love that my Bible titled this chapter "A Call for Wholehearted Commitment."
Like the Mezuzah, Scripture in our homes can also serve as a reminder of God's law and presence and be a symbol of our Christian identity.
Plus, it's always going to produce good things.
The girl's all chose ahead of time which canvas they would paint. I brought along all of the supplies.
I've said it before...and I will say it again...I love these families. I love that we do life together. We support each other in so many ways. Whether it's a baby shower, bringing meals, offering a hug or praying for each other's needs or hurts.
We had a great group last night...but we also missed those who weren't able to attend.
We all contributed to the taco supper and enjoyed yummy desserts.
We then showered the two expecting moms with diapers and baby gifts.
After praying over these two sweet ladies, their babies, and some other needs in our group, we dug into our craft time.
I remember Scripture being on the walls in my home while I was growing up. And that cross-stitch of the Proverb about making sure my words were "sweet like honey comb" convicted me many times. I wanted to incorporate Scripture into my own home as well.
In Jewish homes, you will find a Mezuzah (little box like item with a scrolled rolled up inside) on their doorposts. It serves as a reminder of God's law and presence and is a symbol of their Jewish identity.
Their scroll contains Deuteronomy 6:4-6,9. I was challenged by the entire passage (verse 4-9). And I love that my Bible titled this chapter "A Call for Wholehearted Commitment."
Listen, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.
And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul,
and all your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these
commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your
children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the
road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.
Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders.
Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Like the Mezuzah, Scripture in our homes can also serve as a reminder of God's law and presence and be a symbol of our Christian identity.
Plus, it's always going to produce good things.
It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
Isaiah 55:11, NLT
It helps me to memorize Scripture and encourages both my family and our guests. In Hudson's room I have Zephaniah 3:17, Psalm 61:2 in Nora's room and Joshua 24:15 in my kitchen. Little 4x6 prints of Scripture are also sprinkled throughout our home.
My MawMaw's canning rack held all the supplies perfectly.
We used the technique from this blog post to transfer the words to the canvas.
Some chose a design that said "Count your Blessings." (PDF for Count your Blessings)
Let all that I am praise the Lord, may I never forget the good things He does
for me. He forgives all my sings and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from
death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things.
Psalm 103:2-5, NLT
Others painted "Walk by Faith." (PDF for Walk by Faith)
I will walk by faith, even if I cannot see.
2 Cor. 5:7
And the third option was "Choose Joy." (PDF for Choose Joy)
...When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an
opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is
tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
James 1:2-3, NLT
Whatever they chose to paint, I am excited to see how they choose to incorporate Scripture into their homes. These canvas boards can easily be framed, hung on the wall with command strips or set on a shelf or hutch. I think I might hang a large frame on the wall and then hang my canvas board with command strips onto the wall inside the frame (leaving the wall showing between the frame and the canvas).
I wish I would have taken pictures of the finished projects last night. They looked fabulous. I am anxiously awaiting pictures of these verses hanging in their homes. And I love knowing that the Lord will use these Scriptures in mighty ways.
It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
Isaiah 55:11, NLT
Love these! I have been trying to find things to hang on my walls. It is a slow process around here. Might have to use some of these!! Where are the canvases from?
ReplyDeleteHobby Lobby. Canvas Boards are cheaper and frameable. Or just find a random canvas at a thrift store and paint it white.