I love having lots of different Bible story books for my kids to read. The Sweetest Story Bible for Toddlers is an excellent addition to our collection. It's pink cover with sparkles and girly illustrations are bound to make my little girl love this book. I appreciate the fact that it is a board booking, making it perfect for little hands. It's great to not have to worry about pages being ripped.

Supermarket Healthy by Melissa D'Arabian is a great resource for those wanting to eat healthy on a small budget. I enjoyed the colorful pictures and glossy pages included in this paperback book written by the Next Food Network Star winner.
The illustrations are beautiful. There aren't too many words per page. And I love that the Scripture reference is included for each of the eight stories.
I received this book from Book Look Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.
Some of the recipes looked easy, but it didn't seem to be meals that my kids would enjoy. The foods would be better suited for an adult pallet. I did, however, appreciate that these recipes were quick and easy.
Pictures weren't included for every recipe, but the recipes were presented in an organized, easy to follow way. Calories and fat content were also shown for each recipe.
I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.
Reading Little Pilgrim's Progress has brought back many memories for me. I remember reading a simplified version of this classic tale in the third grade. I loved the characters and locations and adventures this time as much as I did before. Although different, this rebelling of John Bunyon's Classic was just as encouraging and relatable. I enjoy identifying with and applying the struggles and triumphs experienced in this tale. I look forward to reading this paperback to my son when he is a little older, helping him to understand the allegory and comparisons to our spiritual journeys. It is a classic, for sure. This author has re-written this tale, making it easier to understand.
What a blessing to have writings of Nancy Leigh Demoss compiled into a year's worth of devotionals called The Quiet Place. Bound in a blue faux leather book, I am thrilled to have 365 readings to implement into my daily quiet time. It's a little thin book which would be easy to slip into a purse or book bag. Each entry is one page in length, beginning with a Scripture passage and ending with a call to action/application. Over and over again in my Christian walk, the Lord has used Nancy's writings to challenge and encourage me. Like her other books, these truths are based on the Word of God and meant to push you into a deeper relationship with the Lord. This is a devo I will treasure.
I received this book from Moody Press in exchange for an honest review.

How refreshing to have a book written to help "reclaim the lost art of romance. The Old Fashioned Way is a book written by Ginger Kolbaba based on the screenplay by Rik Swartzwelder. The movie "Old Fashioned" is now in theaters, and this book helps outline some of the dating principles illustrated in the film. I think it is a refreshing idea to guide people back to opening doors, holding out chairs, and taking things slow in relationships. By comparing romantic love to the love God intended us to have, readers are encouraged to enjoy doing things the "old fashioned way." Regardless of your past, this book helps you realize that God wants you to find a love that will last for a lifetime. Even though I am already married, it was great to be reminded of the way God intended for our love relationships to be.
I received this book from Tyndale in exchange for an honest review.
How refreshing to have a book written to help "reclaim the lost art of romance. The Old Fashioned Way is a book written by Ginger Kolbaba based on the screenplay by Rik Swartzwelder. The movie "Old Fashioned" is now in theaters, and this book helps outline some of the dating principles illustrated in the film. I think it is a refreshing idea to guide people back to opening doors, holding out chairs, and taking things slow in relationships. By comparing romantic love to the love God intended us to have, readers are encouraged to enjoy doing things the "old fashioned way." Regardless of your past, this book helps you realize that God wants you to find a love that will last for a lifetime. Even though I am already married, it was great to be reminded of the way God intended for our love relationships to be.
I received this book from Tyndale in exchange for an honest review.
Snuggle Time Devotions that End in a Hug is a great addition to our Bible Story books. I usually read to my son each night before bed. I let him pick and a book and then we end with a Bible story. The stories included in this glossy paged hardcover are short enough to keep his attention span. There are activities present to help the parent further enforce the truths learned. I really appreciate that there is an application point, and my son likes that there is always a suggestion to hug your little one. The pictures are adorably illustrated and the format is a little different than most Bible story books, making this a book we will re-read over and over.
I received this book from Tyndale in exchange for an honest review.
I received this book from Tyndale in exchange for an honest review.
Sabotaged is the fifth book in Dani Pettrey's Alaskan Courage series. I am thoroughly enjoying this authors suspenseful style. So many fiction books these days are predictable and boring. These books, however, are filled with plot twists that keep the reader guessing. Like the other books in this series, I did not want to put the story down. I love a good suspense/romance fiction. I also appreciate that I never have to worry about language or inappropriate behaviors in books from Bethany House. It's great to be able to trust a Christian publisher.
I received this book from Bethany in exchange for an honest review.
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