
Monday, December 12, 2016

Be a mom like Mary...

This year, I have thought a lot about a famous mother. Maybe the most famous mother ever. I felt it was only appropriate to talk about her today at my mom's meeting.

Mary. She's well known - even among unbelivers. One of my commentaries said that "Adoration of her is ageless, classless, raceless and timeless."

As I read Luke 1-2 this past week, I read it from a mother's perspective. I read this familiar passage with new eyes, trying to envision the emotions of this mother. Yes, she was carrying and would raise the Son of God - but she was a mom just like me. She had longs nights. I'm sure she felt insecure in her abilities. And despite being part of one of the greatest miracles (the virgin birth), she was probably talked about, judged, lost friends and could have lost her fiance (had he not believed what the angel told him).

She came from humble beginnings. The angel Gabriel and her cousin Elisabeth both called her "blessed among women." (Luke 1:28,42). But I don't read of her exalting herself.

As I read the Christmas story with my "mom eyes," I was struck with two key things that I wanted to remember -

1.  She said "yes" to the Lord

She was a mom like me. She just did what the Lord asked her to do.

Mary responded, "I am the Lord's servant. May everything you have
said about me come true."  Luke 1:38, NLT

It's also worth mentioning that she went to a relative that could give her encouragement and wise counsel. She went to her cousin Elisabeth (also experiencing a miracle) who spoke truth in Mary's circumstances.

"You are blessed because you believed that the Lord
would do what He said."  Luke 1:45, NLT

I love that it doesn't say, "You're super awesome because you are Jesus' mom." Instead, it says that Mary is blessed simply for believing that God was gonna do what He said. I am not part of this historical-miraculous birth , but I can say yes to the things the Lord asks me to do.

2.  She managed motherhood the right way

A famous passage regarding Mary's perspective in all the Christmas happenings is found in Luke 2:19

but Mary kept all these things in her heart
and thought about them often." 

After they finally found a place to sleep for the night, Jesus was born, shepherds rushed in to worship the new King, a star was in the sky... but Mary "pondered all these things in her heart."

And I love that her response to the angel's news is recorded as a mini prayer and praise session in Luke 1:46-55.

Mary responded, "Oh, how my soul praises the Lord. 
How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!
For He took notice of His lowly servant girl,
and from now on all generations will call me blessed..." Luke 1:46-48, NLT

She didn't panic to friends and family. In fact, there's no mention of her having any kind of public panic. She took it to the Lord first.

These two instances in Scripture show me that Mary held on to the good things that the Lord was doing in her life and praised God for who He was in the midst of uncertainty.

I want to be known as someone who takes things to the Lord FIRST. I think this decision protects your kids and family. I remember retelling to Jeremiah one evening about the craziness of the day. He let me vent and then said calmly, "Do you hate your life?"   "NO!" I said, "I love my life." His non-judgmental question made me realize that I was portraying the image that this mom life was horrible, and that's not something I want my kids to pick up on. I don't want them thinking that they make my life hard or frustrating. If I take my anxiety and complaints to the Lord first, there's no way that could happen. I've got to remember that I need to give the Lord a chance to work instead of going to others to fix my problems.

I left my moms a Christmas challenge and a tea bag.

1. Get a hot drink and sit by the twinkle lights
2. Read Luke 1-2 from a mom perspective
3. Think about praying Mary's prayer from Luke 1:38 about a difficult situation in your life
4. Ponder the good things that the Lord has done, and talk to Him FIRST about the trying times.

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